Thursday, February 3, 2011

Plans of food to lose weight - quick results

You probably already experienced the good, the bad and the ugly of weight loss and at this point you may be frustrated. I will do well to the point and give a sense approach common to permanent weight loss.

You can start placing them unwanted pounds fast if you are willing to do this one simple thing: make some changes in your diet. In other words, be prepared to provide your body proper nutrition you need. To accomplish this, you must eat food with a food plan and eat not only to eat. You must be willing to learn how to prepare their own meals and not to eat the fat in the production of fast foods and foodstuffs that have caused you to be overweight processed. These are enemies to their health because they are full of chemical additives, sugars, preservatives, dyes, etc. This not only leads to be overweight with stubborn fat storage but can cause you have of generative diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, strokes, kidney disease, cancer and mental disorders even. To see, the problem is much more than being overweight. Being overweight is a health problem.

How to start a food plan?

1 Test write metabolism to discover what kind of diet you are. There are 3 types of metabolism: type of protein; Type of carbohydrate; and mixed type. Don't worry, this is only a simple questionnaire. Once you know what is the type of metabolism, you know that you should be eating a major part of food and food are should not be eating much of. The best way is also know the blood type. This is the most accurate writing.

2 Make a list of food food according to their type of metabolism and learn how to prepare their own food, it will be healthy for your body. For example, steam your vegetables under 118 degrees for what not cooking the life. Fruits and vegetables all foods are full of live enzymes. Enzymes are proteins catalyst who must have his body to carry out its function of body, such as metabolism. Instead of frying meat, boil in a pan covered with olive oil. Already not deep fry your food using hydrogenated oils. They cause high blood pressure through the creation of plaque on the walls of the veins and arteries and cause lipoprotein low-density (LDL) cholesterol.

3 Hydrate your body with water and let other drinks fat producing to go. Drinks like the pop soda, energy drinks, coffee and Kool-Aid (which is contrast to add water and sugar to). These not only help to cause obesity, but can help cause diabetes and kidney problems. Lose weight drink only water, nothing more! Drink a minimum of 1/2 of your body weight in ounces of water each day (ex.) (If you weigh 200 pounds, must drink 100 ounces) to really see the fall of fat.

4 Develop a routine of exercise training designed to burn fat in those stubborn abdominal, flabby arms, hips, love control areas. The best exercises for this that works your whole body is push-ups with raising any amount of weight. Add lunges forward and backward, push-ups and mountaineers. Of course, don't forget to stretch before and after your workout.

Be sure to eat several meals and healthy snacks every day by not put his body in the mode of hunger, which your body keep the stored fat.Quick and easy way can his first few pounds of fat quickly and easily with these few changes in the diet on your part, but the result is incredible. I know hundreds of people have used these tips very successfully and easily lost his first 10-15 pounds of fat unwanted.

It is for this challenge? Applying these rules easy loss of fat to their own eating plan for the next 2 weeks and I know that you seeing some amazing results in fat loss at any time.

Start work on their own personal food plans to lose weight, including his proof of metabolism, with our diet solution.

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  1. How can you lose 10 pounds in 2 days?I am a 42 year old female, 5’1, 175 pounds… I am in the weight loss program, so if I don’t want to eat after a certain time of the day, I have to go do a fast… So, I was wondering how fast I should be a normal everyday person?… And I was wondering, what is the fastest that you could lose 1 or 2 pounds in a day? The more you do the faster your body will react and with the longer the fast the faster it will happen. How do you lose 10 pounds in 2 days?
