Sunday, January 2, 2011

How Lost 41 pounds in six weeks using a method that Made Me Burn Fat Even When I was sleeping!?

Seems the title incredible? I know that me for the first time I heard the claim. However, I tried and it worked very well - years of struggle, I could finally throw my fat crazily using a very healthy program that doesn't require me to starve or even stay hungry! Here is how the method works.

A lot of aerobics thinking people and the intensity of the light / long-term exercises are the way forward when it comes to burn fat. And that is exactly what I did for years and years. But never functioned. I have now learned why - burn fat while you're doing the exercises, the right - but of the exercises, while you are resting, your body reconstructs fat deposits because he wants to be ready for the next time you do exercises! Reconstruction of fat while rest - does this sound like a good way to lose weight you?
The road is that your body burn fat while resting, instead of construction. How to do this? Doing the opposite.
Short duration but high intensity (around 20 minutes a day, for 2-3 days a week) exercises are the way to burn fat all day long. Only that now - that is going to take enough calories a day so that you are not winning or losing weight - you're even. Now, when you make high-intensity exercise gets microtears in muscles so your body has to repair while you are resting - this is very important! This muscle should be fed a lot of energy to be repaired. And occurs when you are resting. What happens during the exercise itself is that not burn many calories - simply burn some carbohydrates. But the real effect comes in during a break when his body is called stored fat that gives you the energy you need in order to repair muscles.
This is so incredibly easy to do - do these exercises high intensity at home with a set of weights! Trust me, an incredible feeling to be fat burning long all day, even while you are doing nothing. In short, to do an exercise exercise intense 20 minutes and burned him grease all day long for three days. It is effective crazy!
... Pay now close attention here;
Do you know that you can lose large amounts of weight, as I did in just a matter of weeks? You are about to discover 15 minutes each and the only way that move will burn you fat 3 days... even while you sleep. You strongly to read every single word on the next page - please click here.

IslamInsideTheHeart| Islamic Blog| Changing Humanity

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