Monday, January 10, 2011

Burn fat, even when they are sleeping - incredible approach that made Me lose pounds in 6 weeks 41

When we think in burning fat always tend to think about burning fat while exercising. This is (as I learned later) wrong, but we can not blame thinking like this. It can be criticized, however, is the industry declares to hide the facts from us for so long.

Everybody thinks that I used to think that I myself, which is the only way to burn fat by aerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises are all types of exercises that are light, but made for a long time. The tapes are a good example of an aerobic exercise.

It is true that during aerobic exercise burn fat. All good... until a body tries to restore its used FAT deposit after the exercise. Your body always wants to be ready for anything you can throw at, by which when you record a lot of fat during a year, is to be ready for the following year...

Rest (at any time not exercising) is a FAT stores... looong time during that time... do you want that sounds good to you? So for years and years, it was totally unable to lose more than 5 to 10 pounds no matter how hard I tried.

It is curious because the reality is exactly otherwise... that sense Yes, makes the industry declares in his tricks to stay fat hate...

Need to burn fat while they are resting, not in the store of it. Is how to burn fat while it supports very easy to think...? If, when you are resting, your body is working to build something which requires energy... ringing the bells?

I'm talking about building muscle. Heavy resistance training. Works as mass not you believe the results... just doing resistance not very frequent and very short training (20 minutes a session, up to 3 days a week) will be teach your body to build muscle while resting, not to store fat.

Muscle requires lot of energy, efficient that burn you fat while you are resting. Try it - you will not be disappointed!

... Now pay close attention here;

Do you know that you can lose large amounts of weight, just as I did in just a few weeks? It is about to discover the one and the only way that 15-minute move record you grease 3 days... even while you sleep. I urge you to read every word on the next page - click here

Who most want to not only lose weight but also to keep it? Here's what works best!

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