Monday, January 24, 2011

Weight Loss Cardio

If you want to lose weight and shake those extra pounds you have to do 1 thing. You have to leave your comfort zone. If you stay in your comfort zone I can assure you that you will not lose weight and burn fat. Can you stop a little effort, but it is where ending.

The traditional approach to cardio is the slow race for a long time. The race for a long time slow is good for it and is a pleasant form of exercise for health in general. The problem with the race for a long slow time is takes time and in terms of fat loss, there is a way better and faster.

Today many people already works in the gym for an hour and just don't have the time to put in a long session cardio. The solution for this is the fartlek. Its almost similar in execution interval but it is much less structured. The fartlek definitely download outside you your comfort zone. Lets say have 20 minutes of cardio. You begin to walk for 1 minute and then sprint for 1 minute, walk from sprint 1 minute for 2 minutes on foot from sprint 1 minute 30 seconds, walk for 30 seconds and sprint for 2 minuets. You get the idea? This is just one example of a fartlek exercise.

You can make your own walking and is divided into execution. You just have to be disciplined and staying outside that area called comfort. This exercise can be on the treadmill or road and is very effective to quickly raise your heart rate and put your body into fat burning mode.

I have nothing against the long term in general but if your goal is fat loss below, go with the fartlek or do both. Make your long-term 2 days a week and its fartlek 2 days a week. In this way you can get the best of both.

You can go to the actual fartlek intense and then find a hill. Make his sprint up and walk down. If makes it your comfort zone is nowhere on the site. This is a demanding fartlek, but the results is great.

If going to the gym much and you have only 1 time for training then reduce the fitness part to 40 minuets and do a fartlek to 20. This is a great training.

Always remember that your comfort zone is the enemy of fat loss.

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