Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Free of complications of fast weight loss

If you're on the chubby side, it is likely that have mixed feelings about the round endless feast that characterizes the holiday season. While enjoy the food and the company thought of all the extra pounds that is being is almost enough to make him lose appetite. The most you can do is you to go on a diet as one of its promise new year resolutions. Well, a diet here is is easy to follow.

Here is the first step: make a list of the food you eat normally so regularly, including weekends. Be honest - if you have ice cream every day, put it in that country. The list should be what you eat normally. Get a calculator of food or log on to a Web site that can offer you the contents of calories of practically all types of food and to add calories. See black and white the quantity and quality of what you have been feeding yourself, get a clear picture of what have been packing the pounds. You have to face the fact that only gets more and more weight if it continues eating the way in which to do.

Then undo all fatty and sugary foods which has in the House - chocolate, food unwanted, etc. Why leave yourself open to temptation? You will need to ask your spouse or partner to cooperate to not collect this type of food in the House.

It has been the point belabored enough: gain weight when you consume more calories to burn. But even more important to reduce food intake is eating the right type of food. The new diet should consist mainly of fresh fruits and vegetables, food starch and a little fat. Natural carbohydrates, also called sugars, are the best in carbohydrates to include in your diet if you are trying to lose weight. These are mainly found in fruit: apples, oranges, grapefruit, melon, peach, kiwi, blackberries, etc. You can eat as much fruit and vegetables as they like because they are low in calories. Stick to a basic salad of green fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, and some other vegetables sprayed with a little olive oil.

Starches, also called complex carbohydrates take the body more time to break. This results in a slower and more sustained energy release. Taken in its natural form, complex carbohydrates help control appetite and healthy long-term.

Plain oatmeal with skimmed milk is an excellent choice for breakfast. If you find that bland or unappetizing, flavor with some cinnamon. Cooked or poached egg is too good. No more bacon, ham, sausages and other processed meat and fatty products. Instead, opt for the healthy protein sources: fish, yogurt, beans, lentils, chicken or Turkey, etc. Fast food, are an absolute no-no. Also must give you their coffee habit. This could be a good order of height, so do so gradually. And if it had been adding sugar and cream, omit those additional drink black coffee calories.

The good news is that with this diet plan, the exercise is optional; still lose weight with this plan. Of course, be lost weight more quickly if you work out. Just follow the diet plan and walk for 30 minutes a day. The results surprise you!

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