Monday, January 10, 2011

Thinking about food, glorious food

Think of food seems to have been a good subject for me in these last days. Not obsessing over food and tasty tid-bits, but really savour food and forward to different types of food.

We went to see a local production (on the Isle of Man) musical "Oliver" the other day and you don't need to tell the chorus of "food, glorious food" rang in my ears for a couple of days later. This copy of Oliver was absolutely wonderful and everybody left the theater a real high, smiling and happy.

I am also well aware of how lucky we are. We have so much access to delicious food in a flow seemingly endless quantity and description; far from a lonely and rather meager bowl of porridge sloppy and bad taste every day. It is not surprising as nation are currently rather prone to overweight or suffering from obesity.

I am also aware of the contrasts in the availability of diet and habits between different countries and cultures. There's even slight variations of a county to another in England or of a State to another in America.

In England generally have access to store bought gourmet dishes of marks and Spencer, Tesco, Sainsbury preparations and so forth. We can simply pop in the supermarket, pick up a very well prepared and presented food, take home, pop in the oven and thirty minutes later is ready to be eaten. Easy and delicious; no mess, no problem. You can eat five star without even knowing how cooking.

An interesting coup in effect this immediate availability of big meals is that it is of course can spend much less time thinking about food or having to worry about what you prepare dinner. For those who are conscious of their weight, you can simply hand over the package and immediately see the number of calories or grams of fat in each part. Nor do you have to think about portion sizes. It does everything for you. It's really easy to create your own gourmet diet!

I have to admit that I was surprised to find no real equivalent in California. From the Isle of Man tend to think that if you are going somewhere bigger it will have a greater selection of everything, including food. And Yes, there are many more restaurants and more basic ingredients of foods available and definitely a load more fast-food outlets. But to go gourmet meals are less available (nearly extinct) in local markets. And it goes without saying anything about portion size? Chicken breasts look as if taken Prize fight turkeys and I ain't woudn as imagine how great America cows are!

A quick contemplation of this lack of fresh to go gourmet meals can conclude that United States is a large country to make this a truly viable business. A truck driver can drive your meals from one end of England to another in a day without a problem and fresh food is therefore kept fresh. You could simply not be fresh foods for the length of time it takes to drive across America. And frozen ready meals simply do not have that quality five gourmet star.

When we are actually in California we are losing our British and French cheeses. Think about cheese, find good cheese and almost (but not all) dreaming enchanting strong cheese with creamy texture. I have yet to understand why American cheese cannot have the same taste and texture. But when we are in England we lose the wonderful barbequed American steaks, delicious salads and salad dressings. Yummy; food, glorious food!

The answer is always to make the most of what you have. Enjoy what is easily available locally regardless of location. I think it's a shame that so many people think of food to the extent of obsession and yet still manage to overlook their enjoyment. For savouring each delicious morsel gobble food quickly while suffer from both a guilt complex. It's no wonder they become overweight; they do not appreciate their food and therefore can feel happy to eat it.

Overweight people tend to think that they should stop thinking about food. I am a firm believer that has completely lost the point; don't stop thinking about food. Instead, need to learn to let is thinking about food in a different way so you can savour and enjoy it, take your time eating and feel fully satisfied as flavours and different textures are detected.

It is in these times, unlikely obsession of food for the same reasons as poor Oliver. It is much more likely to have started this food obsession because to think that you should not think of food or eating so much. To overcome this obsession and enable you same easily lose weight all you really need to do is think of food in a different way. MP3 files of hypnosis designed to help you lose weight perfectly are designed to help you do just that.

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